Pre construction works include understanding soil types and soil zone depths, which assists us in deciding what product to install and how to schedule the system once complete. Additionally it assists with calculating how much water is required on slopes, low lying areas, poor drainage and areas that are affected by large amounts of sunlight and areas with little or no sunlight.

All these issues have a huge impact on the rate at which water infiltrates your soil and has the potential to waste water, kill plant life and cost you money. It is important that each area of your property is examined properly to determine the right watering system, utilising the many different types of irrigation products.

Once all this information is compiled, we will design your system using the latest Irrigation CAD software.

Green Star Water Solutions is a specialist in the design, supply and install of irrigation services, with extensive project experience across a wide range of industries including:-

  1. Residential, Commercial and industrial
  2. Government
  3. Local councils
  4. Schools and Universities
  5. Sports fields
  6. Golf Courses